
Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.

Directors and Officers

Message from CEO

As an IT service provider playing a key role in digital business of the Hitachi Group, Hitachi Solutions has provided various solutions globally to support social lifestyles and corporate activities. Since our founding, we have regarded our employees as our most precious corporate resource, and have poured energy into work style reform, diversity management, and human resources development. Utilizing our high level of technical prowess, we have developed our own products and services.
We have also established offices in the United States, and actively incorporate cutting-edge digital technologies throughout the world.

Currently, the world is facing not only frequent natural disasters, resource depletion, and an epidemic but cyberattacks and other new risks that accompany the digitization of social infrastructure.
As uncertainty in the business environment rises, companies are required to adapt flexibly to changes and achieve sustainable value improvement.

Guided by the principles of environment, resilience, and safety and security, and through collaboration with our stakeholders, we, as a member of the Hitachi Group, make full use of our digital technology and solution capabilities to support customer problem-solving.

While continuing to devote all its resources to ensure that people can live comfortably, Hitachi Solutions Group will continuously create new value and fulfill its corporate social responsibility. We also hope to contribute to the realization of a society that is sustainable 50 or even 100 years in the future. On behalf of Hitachi Solutions, I look forward to your continued support and guidance.

Tsugio Yamamoto
President and Chief Executive Officer

Executive Officer

  • President and Chief Executive Officer

    Tsugio Yamamoto

  • Senior Vice President and Executive Officer

    Jinichi Hirano

  • Senior Vice President and Executive Officer

    Hideji Morita

  • Vice President and Executive Officer

    Takeshi Akiyama

  • Vice President and Executive Officer

    Naohiko Kagawa

  • Vice President and Executive Officer

    Hideki Taya

  • Vice President and Executive Officer

    Hiroaki Handa

  • Vice President and Executive Officer

    Jirou Watabe

  • Executive Officer

    Hiroki ito

  • Executive Officer

    Tooru Oike

  • Executive Officer

    Souichirou Ohara

  • Executive Officer

    Tetsuya Kato

  • Executive Officer

    Akira Sato

  • Executive Officer

    Tetsuya Cho

  • Executive Officer

    Satoko Tsukiori

  • Executive Officer

    Takashi Hino

  • Executive Officer

    Takeshi Yoshikawa

Board of Directors

Representative Director and President
Tsugio Yamamoto
Jinichi Hirano
Hideji Morita
Takeshi Akiyama
Naohiko Kagawa
Director (part time)
Katsuya Ikeda
Director (part time)
Takaichi Ishida
Director (part time)
Mami Sakurazawa
Director (part time)
Nobuo Nagaarashi
Director (part time)
Yasunori Matsubara
Director (part time)
Shoichi Minami

Corporate Auditors

Corporate Auditor
Raizo Sakoda
Corporate Auditor
Hajime Funatsu
Corporate Auditor (part time)
Kazuhiro Nishijima